Dan's Family History Page

Welcome to my "other" family history page. Click on the links below to read about various branches of my family tree. Most of these families originated in Germany and/or Poland. Poland didn't actually exist at the time that these people left. It had been divided between Germany, Austria and Russia. Many who left before the "germanification" of German Poland in the mid-1800's still spoke the Polish language. Those that left late in the 19th century spoke German. Others were born and raised in Germany.

I'd like to thank a number of people for all the help they've given me in the accumulation of the stories, photos and other information contained in these pages. They include, but are not limited to: Jeanne Bellware, Yvonne Schmit, Clarence Miller, Marie Miller, Karl Otto, Sue Spurgeon, Rainer Lindemann, Kathy McManus, Ron Bellware, Dorothy Hackbarth, Mary Meyers, Frank Meyers, Jill Olmack and reference librarians from across the country. This web site would not have been possible without their help.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

Choose one of the links below to read about each family.

.............The Brueske Family

.............The Lindemann Family

.............The Miller Family

.............The Selinske Family

.............The Smorch & Buczkowski Families


This page is maintained by Daniel A. Bellware

And was last updated on November 27, 2008.

© Copyright 2008