Bellware Family Reunion 1997

Cacapon Resort State Park

Berkley Springs, West Virginia

July 3-6, 1997


Here is a brief report of the happenings at the Bellware Family Reunion of 1997 that was held at Cacapon Resort State Park near Berkley Springs, West Virginia from July 3rd through the 6th.

There were plenty of activities at the park. Jack, Allen and David Bellware got in some golf. Leslie, Diana, Joanne and Kim Bellware as well as Jeffery Hale and Sky and Dylan Chudleigh went horseback riding. Gloria Bellware was the only one to show up for the photo hike and got a private guided tour of the grounds. Katherine Bellware, Daniel and Louis Weyrauch and others enjoyed the paddle boats and Kathy Lucas and Kelly Bellware were spotted at the beach.

There were a number of indoor activities in the basement of the lodge, such as square and line dancing lessons and a variety of games for the kids including air hockey, ping pong, indoor shuffle board and video games.

Most of the time it was possible to find a few Bellwares out on the veranda, swapping memories and catching up what has happened since we all last met. Eunice Bellware of Delaware had some good stories and seemed to be the last one to turn in each night.

Some of the newcomers to this family reunion were Roger Bellware and his children, Claude and Louise who came in from Quebec. This was also my first reunion in 29 years.

Dan and David Bellware and their sister, Mary Chudleigh, worked on a video recording of their reminiscences with Dan's son, Andrew. Hopefully, this video will be available in the future to anyone who maybe interested.

Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. On the last night, Floyd Potter and Gabrielle Rynes took group photos and a meeting was held to determine the time and place for the next reunion. Jean Lewis was thanked for her efforts in organizing this reunion and Carol and Pete Bellware were thanked for supplying the buttons.


Gloria Bellware and Allen Bellware both of Michigan at the last night's meeting.


Above is a photo of Louise and her father Roger Bellware of Quebec, Pete Bellware of Ontario and Claude Bellware of Quebec. Pete is lobbying for the next reunion to be in Canada.


Here is Kathleen Chudleigh and her mother Mary Chudleigh. Posted behind them on the wall is the family tree.

By an overwhelming margin, the family voted to have the next reunion in mid-July, 2000 somewhere in Canada. Mark you calendars and we'll see you all there!

This page is maintained by Daniel A. Bellware, great great grandson of Louis Napoleon Bellware.

This page was last updated on May 31, 2010
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