Bellware Family Reunion 2008
Potawatomi Inn Resort and Conference Center
Pokagon State Park, Angola, Indiana
40th Anniversary Reunion
July 10 - 13, 2008
The Bellware's were greeted at the Potawatomi Inn by the Southwest Bellwares (Marge, Jack, Gloria, Joanne, Allen and Dianna) |
Jack explains vital information to everyone at the opening meeting (Left)
Carolyn, Carol and Dave catch up on the latest happenings since the last reunion (Right) |
Teresa Bindreiter (a visitor from Austria and honorary Bellware), Katherine and Grace enjoyed some refreshments at the opening meeting (left). Kim, Michael and Lindsay put away their fair share at the second day's picnic (right). |
Allen (left) pulled KP duty at the picnic, along with Joanne and Dianna (right). |
Pete, Carol and Kelly (left) couldn't wait to dig into Uncle Dave's 84th birthday cake (right) at the picnic. |
Grace enjoys the indoor pool at the Inn (right) Jean, Iona and Dan enjoy the big dinner on Saturday at Das Essen Haus (left) |
Marge (left) learned never to get between Jack (right) and a slice of pie! |
This page is maintained by
Daniel A. Bellware and was last updated saw the June 26, 2009